The following is an interview we held with Phil Weisberg, EVP Strategic Planning & Partnerships, about oneZero’s data & analytics capabilities.

Can you describe oneZero’s recent enhancements to Data Source? 

PHIL WEISBERG: We’ve spent years building Data Source the right way, to provide transparent, neutral data and insights to our clients. In the latest iteration, we introduced both Data Source DNA with third party access and Data Source Insights with oneZero Metrics and Opportunity Analytics.

Can you expand on Data Source DNA?

PHIL WEISBERG: With Data Source DNA, oneZero captures and curates the client’s transaction, quote and quote derivative data from multiple data centers and transports it to the cloud via high-speed connection without impacting trading performance. In addition, we can grant access to the data seamlessly to internal users and to third party Data Analytics Partner Vendors to analyze without requiring additional efforts of the broker. In addition, we offer a Regulatory Package which helps brokers fulfill all compliance requirements, with both RTS reports and a compliance data set which may be shared with Post-Trade Regulatory Vendors.

Can you expand on Data Source Insights?

PHIL WEISBERG: We use Data Source DNA to derive meaningful reporting and insights, split into two offerings.

  • Opportunity Analytics: Interactive, visual web-based analytics that enable brokers to answer key questions that help them understand the characteristics of their client flow and associated hedges, and the relationships they hold with their liquidity providers. As part of our liquidity provider Standard offering, liquidity providers have access to their incoming flow statistics that have been calculated in a consistent way as analytics for brokers. This enables liquidity providers to have an effective dialogue with their clients.
  • oneZero Metrics: Customers accesses derivative analytics based on its quote and trade data via Amazon S3. oneZero will compute statistics daily and will be responsible for delivering and structuring the output files. oneZero Metrics include the following: Spread by Maker, by Symbol (CSV Time Series) / Executed Price and Volume by Maker, by Symbol (CSV Time Series) / Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC) / Pricing Data (CSV Time Series) / Number of Quotes (CSV Time Series)

What makes Data Source better than other offerings? 

PHIL WEISBERG: Data Source is an agnostic cloud-based business intelligence toolkit, which unlocks clients’ trade, quote and quote derivative data and turns it into meaningful business intelligence and opportunity analytics.

What does Data Source do for wholesale brokers, banks and liquidity providers?

PHIL WEISBERG: Our interactive, visual web-based analytics enables them to answer key questions that help them understand the characteristics of their client flow and associated hedges, and the relationships they hold with their liquidity providers. Liquidity providers have access to their incoming flow statistics that have been calculated in a consistent way, thus facilitating the conversation between consumers and providers of liquidity.

How do third-party analytics providers fit into the equation?

PHIL WEISBERG: The underlying data that we use to derive these meaningful insights are also available to third-party analytics providers. Through EcoSystem, clients access our network of Data Analytics Partner Vendors and Post-Trade Regulatory Vendors, who they may connect with seamlessly without special integration. These value-added services will enable you to derive even greater insights into your data. In addition, internal users may access the data. 

What’s next for Data Source?

We keep our ear to the ground with our clients, listening to their needs and responding with optimal technology solutions. We are actively building more interactive, visual reporting into our analytics suite.